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What is the Life Cycle of a Termite?

What sets termites apart from other pests is their division into castes. Like human societies, each termite has a specific role in the colony, which includes eggs, larvae, nymphs, workers, soldiers, drones, and queens. 

With time, their responsibilities may change, and take on the following roles:

  • Reproductive Termites: Male and female termites that mate to start a new colony.
  • Queen: The female termite responsible for laying eggs.
  • Eggs & Larvae: Eggs hatch into larvae, which later develop into nymphs.
  • Nymphs: Nymphs molt up to three times before becoming fully mature.
  • Mature Termites: Fully developed termites assigned a specific role or caste within the colony.

Now, let’s explore this process in more detail.

The Termite Life Cycle

Termites that fly in swarms outdoors are called alates. These reproductive swarmers are tasked with starting new colonies. Once a male and female mate, they shed their wings and become the colony’s king and queen, settling into the soil to have the queen lay up to 30,000 eggs each day.

After hatching from the eggs, the termites develop into larvae, then nymphs, and finally mature into reproductive, worker, or soldier termites. If you’re facing an infestation, our professional termite exterminators in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula are ready to assist you.

How Long do Termites Live?

The lifespan of a termite is determined by its function within the colony. Workers and soldiers usually live for about two years, alates can survive up to four years, while the queen may live for more than twenty years in favorable conditions. This variation in lifespan ensures that the colony remains functional and continues to grow over time.

When Do Termites Get Put Into a Caste?

The exact process that determines a termite’s caste remains unclear. Some research suggests that social and environmental factors, along with the colony’s needs, play a role. It’s also possible that termites can change castes to meet the colony’s demands, though the specifics are still unknown. Further studies are needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind caste determination and any potential caste-switching behavior.

What is the Life Cycle of a Termite Serving Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids?

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