Rats in garbage in Kalamazoo MI | Griffin Pest Solutions

Rats will eat almost anything! From grains and fruits to scavenging on meat, their adaptable diet poses unique challenges for effective pest control. Keep reading to discover the varied eating habits of rats in this comprehensive guide. From their preferences in the wild to their attraction to human food, learn how understanding their diet is key to effective pest control.

What Rats Eat in the Wild

In the wild, rats have an omnivorous diet. They consume a variety of foods based on their natural habitat and what’s available. Their diet typically includes: 

  • Grains
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Seeds
  • Insects
  • And more.

Rats are opportunistic feeders, adapting their eating habits to the resources present in their environment. Their ability to consume both plant and animal matter contributes to their survival and success in various ecosystems.

Foods That Attract Rats to Homes

Certain foods can attract rats to homes, as they are drawn to readily available sources of nutrition. These include:

  • Leftover Pet Food: Open bowls or spilled pet food can attract rats.
  • Grains and Cereals: Unsecured pantry items like grains and cereals are enticing.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Overripe or discarded fruits and vegetables can attract rats.
  • Garbage: Uncovered trash cans or improperly sealed garbage bags are a food source.
  • Compost: An open compost bin with food scraps can be attractive to rats.
  • Bird Seed: Rats may be lured by spilled birdseed or poorly stored bird feed.
  • Nuts and Seeds: These can be appealing, especially if stored improperly.
  • Garden Produce: Rats may target fruits and vegetables in gardens.
  • Leftover Human Food: Any accessible human food, especially in open areas, can attract rats.

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How Do Wild Rats Find Food?

Rats use a combination of their keen senses, primarily their sense of smell, to locate food. Their excellent olfactory abilities help them detect even small traces of food from a distance. Additionally, rats are known for their resourcefulness and ability to memorize locations, allowing them to revisit places where they’ve found food before. They may also follow established paths or use their whiskers to navigate in the dark. Rats are highly adaptive and persistent in their search for food, making them successful scavengers in various environments.

Foods That Are Toxic to Rats 

While rats are known for their adaptability and ability to consume a wide range of foods, there are certain items that they should avoid. Foods that are toxic to rats include:

  • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, which is harmful to rats.
  • Sweets and Sugary Foods: Excessive sugar can lead to health issues.
  • Processed Foods: High salt and preservatives can be harmful.
  • Citrus Fruits: The acidity may upset their digestive system.
  • Raw Beans: Contain toxins that are harmful if not properly cooked.
  • Green Potatoes: Contain solanine, a toxic substance.
  • Raw Onions and Garlic: Can be harmful in large quantities.

How to Keep Rats Out of Your Food

To keep rats out of your food, follow these preventive measures:

  • Secure Storage: Store food in airtight containers to deny rats easy access.
  • Regular Cleaning: Clean up crumbs and spills promptly to remove potential food sources.
  • Secure Trash Bins: Use tightly sealed trash cans and dispose of garbage regularly.
  • Pet Food Management: Do not leave pet food exposed; store it in sealed containers.
  • Proper Compost Handling: If you compost, use closed bins and avoid adding cooked food.
  • Seal Entry Points: Close off gaps and cracks in walls, doors, and windows to prevent rat entry.
  • Regular Inspections: Check food storage areas for signs of rats and address issues promptly. Regular professional pest control inspections are also recommended.
  • Elevate Bird Feeders: Keep bird feeders elevated and clean to avoid attracting rats.
  • Limit Outdoor Food: Avoid leaving human or pet food outdoors for extended periods.
  • Use Rat-Proof Bins: Employ trash bins that are difficult for rats to open.

Rat FAQs

Do rats eat insects?

Yes, rats do eat insects. Rats are opportunistic omnivores, and their diet includes a variety of food sources, including insects. Insects can provide an additional protein source for rats, especially in the wild or when scavenging for food.

Can rats eat wood?

No, rats do not eat wood as a significant part of their diet. They may gnaw on wood for teeth maintenance, marking territory, or gathering nesting material, but it is not a primary food source.

Prevent Rat Infestations With Griffin Pest Solutions

Preventing rat infestations requires secure food storage, cleanliness, and sealing entry points. Partner with Griffin Pest Solutions, serving Kalamazoo MI for over 93, for reliable pest control, including rodent managementCall for a free quote today!

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Rats in garbage in Kalamazoo MI | Griffin Pest Solutions

Rats are not picky eaters, but they are smart. In the wild they eat fruits, nuts, grains, and insects. In urban settings, they’ll chow down on human food, pet food, and garbage, and spend their time hoarding as much food as they can while constantly seeking out new sources.

Though rats have near-unlimited appetites, they’re ironically careful around new foods. Because they lack the muscle structure to vomit, they’ll sample small amounts of new foods to be sure they won’t experience nausea after eating them. This means curious rats in your home or business will want to sample as much as possible before digging into your pantry. Here’s what you should know about what the rats around your home will want to eat, and how you can keep them from getting it.

What Can Rats Eat?

Rats are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal-based foods. The type of foods they prefer can depend on the species of rat. The two most common rats in Michigan are the Norway Rat and the Black Rat.

The larger Norway rats prefer foods high in fat, protein, and sugar content. The smaller black rats (sometimes called roof rats) tend to be more interested in fruits and nuts. In the wild, both species are opportunistic and will eat fallen fruit, insects, and rotting animals.

If you are creating a bait station to trap rats, foods like bacon, peanut butter, chocolate, and dried fruit tend to work best. It’s important to bait the area around the trap and not just the trap. Rats are careful animals and will sample the food, let it gestate, and return to the source if they liked it.

What Can’t Rats Eat?

There are a few foods that rats don’t like or are toxic to them. These include:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Green bananas
  • Green potatoes
  • Rhubarb
  • Blue Cheese

Male rats are especially vulnerable to these and can experience kidney failure as a result.

Rats may not digest the wood, plaster, or electrical wiring in your home, but they certainly will chew on it. Rat’s teeth are constantly growing, sometimes 4 to 5 inches per year. This means that rats need to continually gnaw at whatever is on-hand to keep their bothersome biters from getting too long. In fact, rats gnaw so constantly that the bite marks they leave behind are one of the telltale signs of infestation. The worse your rat problem, the more evidence of gnawing damage you’ll find over time. Rats will even gnaw on electrical cables, which can make this behavior quite dangerous!

How Do Rats Find Food?

Rats are nocturnal scavengers who forage under cover of night and social creatures that travel in tight family packs.

Rats locate food through their exceptional sense of smell. They are genetically wired to pick up different smells via their olfactory epithelium. They also have a secondary organ that specializes in pheromone and chemical smells called the vomeronasal organ (VNO). The VNO is key to their communication, courtship, and parenting. The net result is that rats have a very sensitive sense of smell that allows them to locate food sources quickly. Their heightened pheromone sensitivity and smell senses mean they can even tell other rats what food is available and where to find it.

Rats outside your home or business can smell foods inside very easily through tiny cracks or even walls. Once they smell it, rats are very adept at literally following their noses to tiny access points where they can sneak inside.

How Do I Keep Rats Out of My Food?

Rat crawling through a crack to get into a house

Rats are unhealthy creatures that you don’t want in your home, let alone your food. According to the centers for disease control, rats and mice spread over 35 types of disease through their urine, feces, saliva, and bites.

An adult rat can crawl under a door or through a crack ¼” wide. Keeping rats out of your home or business means keeping all potential entrances sealed. This is especially important in late summer and fall when they seek new food sources and nesting grounds.

Keep rats out of your space by:

  • Sealing all cracks in your foundation and siding.
  • Weather stripping around doors and windows.
  • Moving firewood at least 20 feet from your home.
  • Trimming tree branches near your home.
  • Securing trash and compost.

A certified pest control technician can assess your property, point out high risk areas, and even do the work to secure you against rat infestation.

What Do I Do if I have Rats?

Killing rats is a tricky job. There are many different over-the-counter traps and poisons you can try, but rats are cunning and good at evading them. Disposing of dead rats isn’t a fun job either.

If you’re in Michigan and want guidance at any level, call or contact Griffin Pest Solutions today. Our certified staff are rat control experts. We can eliminate on-site invaders and rat-proof your home or business against future infestations to be certain your would-be rodent restaurant stays closed for good.