April showers bring May flowers… but unfortunately, that’s not all they bring. As winter finally breaks and the world starts coming back to life, bugs and other pests are waking up, too. Just like everybody else, pests don’t love getting stuck out in the rain. They don’t even get tiny pest-umbrellas (how cute would that be?).
If given the opportunity, roaches, ants, termites, and similar pests will be all too happy to enjoy staying dry inside your home. When the rain starts coming down, pests flock to easy cover so they can stay warm and dry until the sun comes back out. Here are a couple easy things you can do to prevent pests from ruining your rainy day.
Clear Out Roof and Rain Gutters
Rain and roof gutters direct fallen rain water away from your home, keeping it from building up and causing leaks or structural damage. The problem is, spring tends to generate a lot of natural outdoor debris. If dead leaves, trash, twigs, and other random material gets caught in your gutters, the water that falls into them won’t flow as well.
If too much water builds in your gutters, it can overflow, causing either leaks in your home or a buildup of water and moisture around your house. Runoff and other moisture attracts all kinds of pests, who are looking for a free drink or a place to lay eggs. Mosquitos in particular swarm around puddles and runoff, and they’re the worst. To prevent this possible problem, just clear out your gutters before and after a rain. If you want to make sure they’re working, you can pour a bucket of water into them and see what happens.
Check Door and Window Sealing
Weaterstripping is easy to forget about, but door and window thresholds are probably the #1 way pests get into houses. Even worse, if there are gaps in your window or door sealing, water could leak in through them. Bugs will come by for a quick drink and discover an easy way in.
Inspect your doors and windows’ thresholds closely. If you can see light coming through underneath the door or window sealing, it means there’s a gap there big enough for pests to work their way through. Luckily, replacing weather sealing is a relatively simple and quick project. If you notice a problem afterward, you may want to consider making sure the door or window sits right in its frame.
Watch for Puddles
Puddles can accumulate in a house when it rains for a lot of reasons. You could have leaks in your roof, siding, window frames, or foundation. Sinkholes or soft ground may form in your lawn. You might not have a sump pump.
Whatever the reason, make sure rainwater isn’t collecting in your basement, attic, crawlspace, or anywhere else. Puddles attract pests like crazy. Mop up puddles with soapy water as you encounter them, but make sure you find and fix the source of the problem too. Eventually, puddling can be a significant problem for your home’s structural integrity, so if you keep having this problem consider having a sump pump installed.
Control Condensation
Rain means humidity, and humidity means condensation. After a long rain or during a particularly muggy day, you may notice your windows start to “sweat” with condensation. It might feel futile, but it’s worth wiping this condensation away as it accumulates. Condensation may not seem like much water, but it’s just enough to keep pests coming back.
Window and pipe condensation is usually a sign that your home is more humid than it should be, which is the #1 thing pests look for in a shelter. Look for drafts, moisture, or any other reasons why your rooms aren’t as dry as they should be. If the problem persists, consider investing in a dehumidifier or getting your HVAC inspected. Not only will managing humidity help keep pests out, it’ll make your home a lot more comfortable too!
Pests can put a real damper on your enjoyment of early spring, but they don’t have to! Following a few simple steps like these and taking common sense prevention measures will keep pests out, no matter how desperate they are to escape the rain.
If pests are already raining on your parade, you could also give us a call today. Griffin’s customized pest solutions will help ensure that pests get out and stay out, so you can go back to enjoying your spring.