Where do rats live; Griffin Pest Solutions

The coronavirus changed just about everything very quickly, and Griffin’s pest control is no exception. In order to keep our employees and clients safe, we’ve had to carefully re-assess how we conduct our treatments. These are the measures we’ve adopted to prevent the spread of the coronavirus while we continue to tackle Michigan’s pest problems:

Coordinating from Home

As of the shelter in place order, all of our in-person team meetings have been indefinitely suspended. All personnel who can work from home are doing so, including the technicians who come to your home. Any technician who comes to your home is responsibly social distancing whenever they aren’t on the job.

When you call or contact Griffin for pest control help, our call center team receives the call from home. We coordinate to ensure we send a single nearby technician in a clean, disinfected truck. After the treatment, you will have the option to sign contracts, pay, and receive follow-up information electronically. We can coordinate the whole process effectively without putting our employees–or you–at risk.

On-site social distancing

Our commitment to responsible social distancing extends to our conduct on the job, as well. All technicians will wear extra protective clothing, including CDC-approved face masks and gloves, at all times. We avoid coming within six feet of you whenever possible. You can even ask us to call when we arrive and conduct our service without meeting you in person.

Whenever a technician has to touch something on your property, we will disinfect it immediately when we’re finished. We’ve also issued all technicians hand sanitizer, which they will apply before, during, and after treatments. Thanks to these precautions and treatment streamlining, we may never need to approach you while conducting service.

Outdoor-only Treatment

Griffin has altered our pest control treatments to emphasize outdoor-only treatment whenever possible. More details for what this means for your particular treatments are available on our service pages. Don’t worry: we’re still administering the same holistic, integrated pest control process we’ve proven so effective. We’re just only administering it to the areas outside your home or business.

For most pests, conducting exterior-only pest control actually won’t affect the efficacy of the treatment in the slightest. We can still find and seal off access points, eliminate attractants, and introduce effective repellents, baits, traps, and other methods of controlling and preventing pest access. If we ever determine that we do need to enter your property in order to provide effective pest control, we’ll explain why and ask permission first. Technicians will take your safety very seriously when we’re inside your home or business.

On-site Disinfection and service

Griffin hasn’t just altered our existing services in response to the coronavirus; we’ve actually developed some new ones, too. Griffin’s new DSV Disinfection and Sanitation service was developed in order to help protect our clients from the coronavirus. During this service, our technicians will use an EPA-approved Disinfect, Sanitize, Virucide solution to effectively kill the COVID-19-causing virus on all at-risk surfaces.

DSV Disinfection and Sanitation works as either a means of treating known infected areas or an effective precautionary measure. Technicians administer the DSV solution very carefully, while maintaining social distancing and wearing appropriate safety gear. Even if you don’t opt for the DSV treatment, Griffin’s technicians will still disinfect areas of your property we come into contact with during other treatments.


Griffin Pest Solutions is taking the coronavirus and shelter in place order very seriously. Your health and safety is our top priority. If you have a pest problem, we want you to know you can call on us for help without anxiety–no ifs, ants, or bugs! We’re doing whatever we can to make sure that’s the case.

If you have more questions about our temporary exterior-only approach to pest control, our new DSV service, or how we’re committed to keeping you safe during our pest treatments, please call or contact us right away. We’re always ready to help–and from a safe distance.

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