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Beetle Exterminators – Control & Removal

Your Local Beetle Control Experts

Serving Kalamazoo | Grand Rapids | Livonia | Lansing

At first glance, beetles might appear to be a minor problem, but they can become a real annoyance for homeowners and businesses. Pests like Asian lady beetles and powderpost beetles can be endlessly persistent and cause lots of frustration. Beetles don't often pose a threat to your property, but if they are invading your home, they may cause you a lot of stress. A professional beetle exterminator can be a huge help if you are having difficulties getting rid of beetles alone.

The beetle exterminators at Griffin Pest Solutions have more than 90 years of experience getting rid of beetles in Kalamazoo MI. We work hard and refine our strategies to keep our customers protected from infestations all year long.
Griffin Pest Solutions - Pest Control Services in Kalamazoo, MI

Griffin Pest Solutions also provides a service guarantee that distinguishes us from other companies. Learn more about our no Ifs, Ants or Bugs Guarantee

Effective Beetle Pest Control

You don’t have to live alongside beetles. Beyond being hard to get rid of, their numbers are known to grow quite quickly. Certain species will feed on clothing and other fabrics inside your home, causing extensive damage before you even realize that they’re there. Our beetle exterminators have the skills and tools to quickly eliminate active beetles and block off their access points. We have the expertise to find infested corners of your home that you wouldn’t think to look around, making your entire property beetle-free.

Beetle Removal for YOUR HOME

Our Beetle Extermination Procedures

Beetles can sneak into your home through furniture, firewood, packages, and more. Once inside, they can reproduce and spread around quickly. When you need beetles gone fast, reach out to experienced exterminators like ours at Griffin Pest Solutions.

We’ll go through this process to keep your home safe from beetles:

  1. Our beetle exterminators will go through an exhaustive inspection process to find access points and identify the beetles.
  2. We will use pertinent beetle control products to go forward with treatment.
  3. We will seal entry points and make other exclusion efforts to keep beetles from getting inside again.
  4. As needed, we will provide ongoing beetle control and give you at-home prevention tips.

Beetle Extermination for YOUR BUSINESS

Keeping Beetles Away from Your Business

It’s not safe to have beetles living in your business space, especially if you manage a food establishment or manufacturing facility. There is a risk of food contamination during a beetle infestation—this can lead to product recalls or even a halt in business operations. Clothing moths can also cause serious problems for retail clothing stores. Regardless of what type of business you run, you can trust our exterminators to get rid of the beetles you’re dealing with. Griffin Pest Solutions has been providing effective and eco-friendly beetle control for more than years around Kalamazoo MI.

Our beetle exterminators have the skills, products, and training to keep all nuisance beetles off of your commercial property.

Griffin Pest Solutions Reviews

I have been using Griffin Pest Control for about 10 years; very satisfied with results, they keep our home basically bug free and they have been responsive to an occasional issues of bees on the exterior or yard and an occasional interior problem.

– Gregor D.

Pest Control You Can Trust

At Griffin Pest Solutions, we protect against the disease and damage that can be caused by common pests.

Beetle Exterminators – Control – Removal Serving Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids

Kalamazoo | Grand Rapids | Livonia | Lansing | Ann Arbor | Battle Creek | Coopersville | Detroit | Farmington Hills | Oshtemo | Westland | Northern Indiana | Northern Ohio | Cadillac

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